A Path Thru the Weeds

A Path Thru the Weeds


I didn't start out to write a book, or at least this book. I was more interested in finding out just what the Bible was all about and how it was supposed to effect my daily life. After perhaps fifteen or so years of research, I was so shocked at what God's word really conveyed, in that I had never heard of a typical Christian Church teaching the message God has given his children to live by in this fleshly life. The more I researched, the more I became convinced the real teachings of Jesus had been lost or had been given a misconception of what the subject was all about.

For the most part, modern Churches view physical things as spiritual and spiritual things as physical. All WERE DECEIVED. Satan was having a heyday and laughing at God's children and at God's plan for humanity. I knew this wasn't the way God wanted this world to be. Something HAD TO BE DONE! I had never written anything in my life, except a few essays in English class while going to college. I didn't feel qualified in any respect to give to the general public this vast knowledge I had received from the Holy Spirit, except that this information was locked in my mind so tightly that I couldn't erase it. Every church service found me reflecting on the wrong things the preacher was conveying to his audience rather than the good things he was bringing from God's word.

Finally, almost in desperation, I concluded that the errors in Christianity today must be addressed. The book is called "A Path Thru the Weeds", a title I chose because it most resembled the searching our minds do to find truth. When I look at a garden full of weeds in the fall and winter,I can see all sorts of tracks or "paths" of mice and such zig-zagging in all directions. This reminded me of the paths our lives follow in this world of ours. We get on the wrong path and are lost forever.

This work is given in love for God's children, who need a marker placed on the paths of their lives to keep them from falling into the brush of Satan's lies.

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